To enable us to provide you with our various products and/or services, we ask you to provide us with your personal information such as your name, identification number, address, and telephone number. We may also keep records relating to your access to our web server. For that purpose, cookies may be sent by our server to your system and may be collected by Futuristic Online Store (hereinafter referred to as “our company”) due to your access to our server by using your system.

Your information and records described above (hereinafter referred to as the "Information") will be stored and maintained in our database only for a necessary period of time and will be kept in confidence by us.

We intend to use the Information only for the purpose of (1) fulfilling our obligations under any sale and purchase contract and/or any other contract between you and our company, (2) rendering services related to our business such as warranty or after sales services, (3) providing you with our latest product information and other related information from time to time, and/or (4) asking your opinions regarding our products and/or services.

For the purposes described above, our company may share the Information with other departments in our company and/or any associated company either in Malaysia or overseas. The Information may be shared with third parties for the purpose of performing our obligations under a sale and purchase contract and/or any other contract between you and our company. In such case, our company will endeavour to ensure that the recipients do not use the Information other than for the limited purpose determined by our company within the scope of your consent, and will endeavour to ensure that they secure the Information from unauthorized use. The Information may only be disclosed to other third parties in exceptional cases required by laws or regulatory authorities.

Please note that you are given options with respect to whether you agree to the foregoing collection, storage, use and disclosure of the Information by our company, by choosing whether to submit the Information or not. If you submit the Information to our company, this shall be deemed as your consent and agreement to these policies regarding the collection, storage, use and disclosure of the Information by our company. Although it is not obligatory for you to provide the Information to our company, failure to do so may result in our company being unable to sell our products and/or provide certain services including after sales services to you.

If you would like to inspect, correct, update or delete the Information stored in our database, or if you would like to stop receiving further marketing materials from us, or if you have any question or comment about our privacy policies, please contact us by email to [email protected] or Whatsapp +6012 858 4438.

Please be advised that our company is not responsible for collection, disclosure and/or use of your personal information provided by you to any third party's web site which is linked to or from our web site. Your access to such linked site, and you’re providing personal information to such linked web site, are entirely at your own risk.

By providing any of your Personal Data; your name, gender, age, date of birth, correspondence/billing address, NRIC number, contact details, and/or other information relevant to the purposes as listed below to Futuristic Ecommerce Store via online purchase or otherwise, hereby agree that Futuristic Ecommerce Store shall collect, retain and use the Personal Data for the following purposes:

 * Processing your application under any Futuristic Online Store programme;

* Marketing of products and services and sending any advertising and/or promotional material to you;

*Notifying you of special offers, updates and promotions.

This declaration is valid for customers in Malaysia.

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